Pediatric Asthma
Pediatric asthma can be frightening to parents, but is a common condition that affects millions of children annually. It is defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways caused by an obstruction. While asthma has no cure, it is easily managed with a combination of long-term and quick relief treatments that bring relief to…
Pediatric Ear Infection
What Causes Ear Infections? Ear infections occur when fluid fills the space between the eardrum and the inner ear. This happens when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked due to a virus or bacterium, which prevents mucus and pus from draining out of the middle ear. These fluids put pressure on the eardrum, causing pain and…
Pediatric Tonsil Infections
Tonsil infections are a common childhood disorder, bringing pain and discomfort to many children between the ages of five and 15. The result of inflamed tonsils, known as tonsillitis, is most often caused by a viral or bacterial infection. What Causes Pediatric Tonsillitis? The tonsils are a pair of oval-shaped tissues in the back of…
Pediatric Allergies
Allergy and sinus conditions are common in children, whose sinuses continue to develop well into the teen years. Allergy and sinus symptoms are similar, making a proper diagnosis a bit challenging. An ENT specialist can recommend diagnostic testing to help pinpoint the cause of what is ailing your child. Common Causes of Child Allergies When…
Pediatric Breathing Disorders
Children are susceptible to illness, and respiratory problems are quite common—especially in those exposed to germs (e.g., in a daycare setting). Most respiratory ailments are not severe, but approximately one-third result from breathing disorders that require special treatment. Upper & Lower Respiratory Infections Types of children’s respiratory infections include those affecting the upper respiratory system…
Head & Neck Cancer
Cancers in this region include: Oral cavity cancer involves the lips, tongue, the floor of the mouth, the hard and soft palates, or the gums. Laryngeal cancer involves the voice box. Pharyngeal cancer involves any part of the throat except for the voice box. Salivary gland cancer involves the salivary glands. Causes of Head and…
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer can develop on any part of the body that receives frequent sun exposure – the scalp, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, for instance. One of the areas most prone to skin cancer is the face. It can affect people of all skin tones, including individuals with darker complexions. What Are the…
Head & Neck Masses
A number of masses may develop in your head or neck; these masses may also be called growths, tumors, lumps or bumps. While some head and neck masses are cancerous, many are not. It is important to see a physician if any abnormal bump or lump persists for more than two weeks. If a cancer…
Swallowing Disorders
When you swallow, you are chewing food and moving it to the esophagus, a tube that connects to the stomach. Dysphagia, the medical term for difficulty swallowing, is characterized by the sensation of food or liquid getting stuck in the throat or chest. Numerous factors can cause swallowing difficulty, most of them relatively benign. The…
Sore Throat
What Causes a Sore Throat? Most sore throats are the result of viral infections due to the common cold or flu. Bacterial infections including strep throat, tonsillitis, whooping cough and diphtheria may also cause a sore throat. Additional causes include allergies, acid reflux, environmental irritants, dry air and strained vocal cords. Sore Throat Treatment If…